Public Talks

High-Frequency Trading and the Design of Financial Markets

a16z Seminar. July 24, 2023.

Market Design and Innovation (May 2023)

Keynote, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (joint with Atlanta and Dallas Feds) Technology-Enabled Disruption Conference. May 22, 2023.
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond TED Conference

Viewpoint: The Case for Frequent Batch Auctions (May 2023)

NBER New Directions in Market Design Conference. May 11-12, 2023.
NBER New Directions in Market Design Conference, Spring 2023

Discussion of ‘Would Order-by-Order Auctions be Competitive?’ at the SEC, 10th Annual Conference on Financial Market Regulation, May 2023

SEC, 10th Annual Conference on Financial Market Regulation. May 2023.

The Economic Limits of Cryptocurrencies and Anonymous, Decentralized Trust on the Blockchain (April 2023)

Booth All-Faculty Seminar. April 18, 2023.

Harvard Harris Lecture: The Economics of Cryptocurrencies (November 2022)

Harris Lecture at Harvard University. November 9, 2022.

The Economics of Cryptocurrencies (April 2022)

Oxford University Economics Department. April 6, 2022.

Market Design for Covid-19 vaccine supply

Booth Alumni Event. Hosted by the Chicago Booth Alumni Club of Singapore, August 18, 2021.

Virtual MD Seminar Presentation, March 2021

Virtual MD Seminar Series. March 15, 2021.

Quantifying the High-Frequency Trading ‘Arms Race’: A new methodology and estimates

Host: Matteo Aquilina and Peter O'Neill
The Microstructure Exchange. June 16, 2020.

R<1 as an Economic Constraint (May 2020)

Stigler Center Conference on Covid-19. May 7, 2020.

R<1 as an Economic Constraint (April 2020)

IGM Conference on the Covid-19 Crisis. April 9, 2020.

FTC Keynote Talk, How to Fix the Market for Event Tickets

FTC "That's the Ticket" Workshop on Consumer Protection Issues into the Event Tickets Market, June 11 2019.
PowerPoint Slides with Speaking Notes
Slides as PDF
Slides as PDF with Speaking Notes

Presentation on Bitcoin Research at the May 2019 Atlanta Fed Financial Markets Conference

Atlanta Fed Financial Markets Conference. May 19, 2019.
Transcript and audio recording, Atlanta Fed
[PDF] [Slides]

AFA panel “Blockchain: Myth and Reality”

The American Finance Association. January 4, 2019.

AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon Address, Will the Market Fix the Market?

AEA / AFA Joint Luncheon Talk. Chicago, January 6, 2017.
Transcript, Will the Market Fix the Market?


Market Design and Live Events

American Economic Association Research Highlights Podcast. hosted by Tyler Smith, March 20, 2023.

Freakonomics Podcast, Does the Crypto Crash Mean the Blockchain Is Over?

Host: Stephen J. Dubner
Freakonomics Podcast. June 2022.

Why Are Bots Buying Sneakers?

Slate, What Next: TBD Podcast. hosted by Seth Stevenson, October 29, 2021.
Podcast Transcript

Measuring the 15-Microsecond Dash with Professor Eric “Batch” Budish

Host: Ronan Ryan and John Ramsay
IEX Boxes and Lines Podcast. July 2021.

The Future of Money

Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago- Pandemic Economics Podcast. November 2020.

Why Is the Live-Event Ticket Market So Screwed Up?

Freakonomics Podcast. hosted by Stephen J. Dubner, December 6, 2017.
Podcast Transcript

Panel Discussions

Management Conference ’21: Perspectives on COVID-19

Chicago Booth Management Conference Panel. June 2021.

CFTC’s Technology Advisory Committee Meeting

Commody Futures Trading Commission. February 2014.

Is high frequency trading good for financial markets?

Chicago Booth Review. October 2013.